Quinoa, or "Inca Gold" is rich in phytonutrients and, although we consider it a grain, is actually related to leafy greens such as swiss chard. It also contains all nine essential amino acids, meaning it gives you a complete protein. Besides all that, it is delicious and funny looking. Really, who wouldn't want to serve their kids something that looks like a UFO?
Quinoa Tabouleh (I usually double this)
1 cup quinoa, rinsed to get off the bitter saponin
Boil in 2 cups water and some salt, simmer, covered for 20 minutes. Cool.
2 diced red bell peppers
1 diced cucumber
2 large bunches parsley, diced
2 bunch cilantro, diced
1 bunch mint, diced (opt.)
Fresh squeezed juice of 2 lemons
Olive oil to taste
S&P to taste
I'm in love!!! This is the best!